Know us
We are Nielsen Asoc Int’l, a consultant firm with more than 28 years of successful experience in LATAM. We are dedicated to implementing Solutions in Organizational Development, Change Management and Human Capital Management that involve the attraction, development, and retention of Organizational Talent.

Know us
We are Nielsen Asoc Int’l, a consultant firm with more than 28 years of successful experience in LATAM. We are dedicated to implementing Solutions in Organizational Development, Change Management and Human Capital Management that involve the attraction, development, and retention of Organizational Talent.
Aristotle Nielsen, its President , has specialized in Organizational Development and then graduated as Capital Strategist (Human Capital Institute, Washington, DC). He is a Napoleon Hill Leader Certificate (NHLC), Points of You Facilitator and recently is a Certified MTa® Experiential Learning Facilitator, a World Class methodology of Experiential Learning. Since 2018 he is a full time Professor in the Master’s Degree in Organizational Psychology (UAI) in Argentina.
He also specializes in Change processes that involve the analysis, description, and valuation of positions of large organizational structures. He also deals with the design and implementation of Development and Performance Management Systems. In particular, he focuses on topics related to Competency Assessment Management, 360º Feedback, Detection of High Potential and the subsequent Development of Talents.